THAT the Fraser Valley Regional District Board direct staff to forward two resolutions to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) for consideration at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference from April 29 – May 1, 2025;
AND THAT the Fraser Valley Regional District Board direct staff to further develop an Advocacy Plan, following 14 issues in 2025.
RESOLUTION #1: Illegal dumping in rural areas clean-up funding
WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia does not have a funding policy in place to offset costs associated to illegal dumping in rural areas of British Columbia;
AND WHEREAS the dumping/tipping fees, equipment, and fuel costs to clean-up the effects of abandoned vehicles, garbage, and litter unfairly places hardships on the efforts of dedicated volunteers and requires the backing of private donations to cover the costs associated with the clean-up work;
AND WHEREAS these sites are unsightly, negatively impact environmentally sensitive areas including waterways and natural spaces, posing a threat to public safety;
AND WHEREAS the sites are located on rural Crown land area, and can be directly associated with the impacts of low inventories of affordable housing in the Province of British Columbia;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Union of British Columbia Municipalities ask the provincial government to take urgent steps to develop a policy to support a community-based funding model to support clean-up efforts on Crown lands undertaken by volunteers and organized interest groups.
RESOLUTION #2: Unmet Demands on Social and Community Infrastructure as a Result of Provincial Housing Targets
WHEREAS the mandate letters of the sitting provincial government include
- Growing the economy;
- Affordability;
- Strengthening healthcare; and
- Community safety
AND WHEREAS the Province has mandated accelerated and densified housing, placing historical and unmet demands on social and community infrastructure such as education, transit, social welfare and supportive housing;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities ask the provincial government to focus on strengthening complete communities and make historically significant investments in schools, community mental health, and transit to accommodate growth.