THAT the Fraser Valley Regional District Board defer consideration of bylaws to facilitate the redevelopment of the existing gravel pit located at 43837 & 43873 Lougheed Highway Electoral Area C to a future meeting of the FVRD Board;
AND THAT in accordance with Fraser Valley Regional District Development Procedures Bylaw No. 1377, 2016 section 4.1.2 a) the FVRD Board require the applicant, at the applicant’s expense, to submit the supplementary information required to address the information gaps outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023;
AND THAT the Board request the applicant to enter into a capacity funding agreement with the FVRD to provide planning, engineering and financial consulting services to address the information gaps outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023;
AND THAT in accordance with Section 4.6 of the Fraser Valley Regional District Development Procedures Bylaw No. 1377, 2016, the FVRD host a public information meeting to present and review the supplementary information required to address the information gaps outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023;
AND FURTHER THAT the Fraser Valley Regional District Board endorse the process for the review of the application as generally outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023